Thursday, November 10, 2011

African Lion
          The African Lion is a very mysteries animal in all its whereabouts in the animal kingdom. The African Lions since they are on the top of the food chain they do not have many predators regardless of age. These creatures have not only been targets for hunting, but many have been captured for other reasons since ancient history.
The African lion is covered in a thin layer of light brown. If you ask me the main is a reddish brown color but that is just my opinion. On most of the female lions are about 2-3 feet tall on the back .But on the head they are 3-4 feet tall .The male is about 3-4 feet on the back . On the head they are about 4-5 feet tall .That is just a brief look at all the things I have learned about the African lion. If you would like to be as knowledge as I am of the African lion then I would like for you to read on!     
The lion can live up to 25-35 years in captivity .All thaw they do not out in the wild they only live up to20-25 years in the wild .The reason for that is in captivity they do not have to fight or hunt .In the wild they do. That is mostly the reason for them living longer in the captivity .The lions babies are called cobs .The most cobs in 1 litter ever was 5 but that is very strange . The usual is about 2-4 at the most. the mothers often wean her babys when they are about 1 year old then it is time for breeding season .That is  when she sends them off to start her now life as grown lions to start a family.
          The female lion is the one who does most all of the hunting. The pray are herds that pass the packs land. The most usual targets are zebras, buffalo and other wild bests. When the female lions go hunting they go in packs of about four. At the time the pray is brought to the rest of the pack, the male eats first, next the female, and then the cubs will eat last.
Well did you like the things, which I told you about the African lion?  I do hope that you did. I really liked telling allot about the lion and I hope that you did too.

you about the African lion and its fetchers. I really learn 

      The End    

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